What's Goals Got To Do With It!

Photo by Markus Winkler: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-typewriter-on-brown-wooden-table-4052198/

Tina Turner had a movie titled, “What’s Love Got To Do With It” that also had a hit song attached to it. In the movie, Tina’s life was on display as she unraveled from being in a musical group with Ike Turner and out of a tumultuous marriage. I am sure she must have literally asked herself what does love have to do with me remaining in this crazy relationship that is keeping me from living a great life. She had a goal to be a world-class artist. 

How do I know that? 

There is no way she would have attained that level of success without FIRST having a goal to accomplish it. 

What Is The Definition of A Goal?

According to Merriam - Webster a goal is, “The end toward which effort is directed.” That is it plain and simple. You pick an end goal and start to take one step at a time toward it. 

I hope that you will start today by taking one directed step toward your goal. Tina did it before she was successful and in the midst of very trying times. You can do it too!

Keep IT Sunny!

Do You Remember Your Why?

Do you love your business right now?

I think many times when we started our businesses it was love at first sight. There was the honey moon phase when everything smelled like roses. The birds were chirping and the sun was shining upon our entrepreneur faces.


The storms came. We had clients that were not a good fit and we had to part ways. The business wasn’t making as much money as we had hoped but we were working more hours than we did at our previous 9-5.

What Is Going On Here?

If you find yourself in this spot then it is time to get back to your WHY. In Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk he discusses how to discover or rediscover your WHY. I challenge you to check it out and apply it to your business so that you can get that spark back.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of February!

Photo by Monstera: https://www.pexels.com/photo/paper-hearts-of-different-size-pinned-on-pink-surface-5874612/

This month is all about Hallmark movies & love. 

If you are not into either of those things then let’s take another approach this month. Let’s make it about self-care and falling back in love with your business. We will take a look at different ways we can use apps to help us achieve a good balance of health and wellness. We will also take a look at why we started our business and how to set achievable goals. 

This is the month of self-love and entrepreneurship love. I hope you take action on some of the tips and resources that I will share with you.

Much Love & Keep IT Sunny~

3 Tools You Can Use To Help You Crush Goals in 2023

This month I want to take a look at goals. We will dive into what it is, how to do it right, and what tools are available to help you to crush those goals in 2023. 

The month is over and the excitement of setting those new year's resolutions like getting more fit is starting to fade. Let’s face it setting goals and going after them can be super tricky UNLESS you put a plan in place to help you reach your goals. Here are 3 tools you can use to help you crush your goals in 2023.

Do it with a friend - There are many things you can do by yourself and reach success but goal setting and goal getting is not one of them. Speak to a friend and you can help each other reach your goals.

Make it matter - One of the most important things you can do to help reach your goals is to put it on your calendar and in your daily spaces like on a bathroom mirror or phone. I am very visual and must-see my goals or it doesn’t exist. The next thing I do is right down a goal date, notes for steps taken, and track my progress. I use a Google spreadsheet to do this that I see every day when I open my computer. 

Get a coach - Do you know there is a person known as a “Goals Coach” that will help you reach your goals for free? For FREE!!  US Bank offers this service for free and you do NOT have to be a member of the bank. In fact, they are not allowed to sell services to you. Now that is a good deal. Check them out here

This month has flown by and I shared the definition of a goal, how to set goals the right way and now 3 tools you can use to help you achieve goals. The ball is in your court. Are you going to be in the same place next year this time due to inaction or are you finally going to get out there and see how far you can really go in life? 

Keep IT Sunny~

Are You Setting Goals The Right Way?

Photo by Polina Zimmerman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sticky-notes-on-board-3782235/

In January, people usually start off strong by setting new years resolution goals. The problem is that February shows up and the glitter of the new year resolution starts to fade and folks just throw in the towel. The issue could be that they are not setting goals the right way. If you find yourself in this dilemma then check out a post I wrote some time ago about how to set goals that are achievable. My hope is that this will lead you toward keeping and crushing your goals in 2023.

Keep IT Sunny~

What Is The Definition of A Goal?

The New Year is the gateway to a new beginning and a fresh start. Many people make promises to tackle a new idea or habit to improve their lives, known as new year's resolutions. Did you make any new year's resolutions? I asked a friend on new years eve if she was going to make any new year's resolutions and she replied no that is too much pressure to put on yourself.

That got me thinking about whether I make new year’s resolutions or just set goals. I determined that it was a mixture of both. My new year's resolutions are to set and accomplish the goals I make in each area of my life for the year. 

No pressure at all:)

Then that got me thinking about what exactly is the definition of a goal. According to Merriam-Webster, a goal is an end toward which effort is directed”. Dictionary.com describes a goal as “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed”.

This is food for thought. A goal is the prize for pushing your efforts toward a single point of focus. That is my definition. I also read an article that stated that focus is:






My encouragement for you today is to just sit in silence with a pen & paper. Think about where you want to be this time next year and start to jot down those ideas. Pick ONE goal and next week we will look at how to f.o.c.u.s on that one goal to reach success. 

Keep IT Sunny

Welcome To 2023!

2023 is here & isn’t it exciting to have a brand new year filled with promise?

You have a chance to start fresh and make big plans for your business this year. I am a huge fan of setting goals for the year, which is my version of the new year's resolution. This month I want to take a look at goals. We will dive into what it is, how to do it right, and what tools are available to help you to crush those goals in 2023. 

Get ready for a year filled with abundance and fun!

Happy New Year!!

Keep IT Sunny~

The Countdown To 2023 Has Begun!

The year is essentially over and I could say many things. I will keep it short and ask one question. 

What were the 3 most important things that you did for your business this year? 

Here are my 3:

  • I joined Toastmasters to become a better communicator & public speaker

  • Started networking in person & connecting more with fellow professionals in my community

  • Made a decision to obtain the services of a business coach to help me achieve my business goals

What about you?  Share in the comments below. 

Have a safe & enjoyable NYE!

Keep IT Sunny~

Tis The Season To Be Jolly!

I love the holiday season.

I celebrate Christmas but no matter how you celebrate the holiday season take time to really enjoy it. This year has been full of ups and downs. My goal for the holiday season is to stop and take in the sights and sounds of the season.

If you want to eat that extra piece of pie then do it.

If you feel like napping in the middle of the afternoon then do that.

The main goal is to take time for yourself and enjoy this moment. Press pause on everything and soak in the enjoyment of your family, friends, and your own company. 

Merry Christmas & Keep IT Sunny!

How To Find A Good Business Coach

The year is winding down and as we start to look forward to 2023 now is a good time to take a look at your business goals. Create a spreadsheet and start brainstorming the following:

  • What is working right now in your business? 

  • Write down all your successes. 

  • Jot down what isn’t working.

  • Write out what your goals are for 2023.

Next, find a coach to help you reach your goals. As business owners, we think we can do it all by ourselves. In the beginning, we are tasked with doing everything inside our business from reception, customer service, bookkeeping, and marketing to delivering the actual service we offer. In short, we wear all these hats out of necessity but the path forward toward growing our business is where we will need some help. This is where a good business coach can make all the difference. 

What Is A Business Coach?

According to BetterUp.com, “Business Coaches are seasoned professionals who enable startups, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders with advice and feedback based on their real business needs. The best business coaches combine real-world business experience with coaching skills like active listening and the ability to ask powerful questions.”

So now that you know what a business coach is, the next question you probably want to know is how can you find one. There are a variety of ways to find a business coach and you can always start with our favorite tool Google. Additionally, there is another resource that you can try called Score.org. Score.org according to their website is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.”

They offer a variety of resources including business coaching via their client mentoring program; the best part is it is all FREE. Let me say that last word again FREE. It is a win/win for you. I have attended numerous in-person events this year co-sponsored by SCORE and have made great business referrals as well as learned a lot. 

So as we look forward to 2023 my challenge to you is to create your spreadsheet of wins, loses, or draws so that you can have a full picture of how successful 2022 was for you. Finally, use some of the resources above to go find a business coach that is a good fit for you that will help you reach your business goals. 

Keep IT Sunny!

It All Starts With A Dream

“The danger in dreaming too small is that you might achieve it.”

Mark Wickersham

It all starts with a dream. There was a time when I wanted to be everything in the world. I remember when I was little someone would ask me what do I want to be when I grow up? I would respond with 50 different occupations and believed that I could be all those things. There was a time I wanted to be a veterinarian until I worked at a vet hospital and became squeamish when I saw a cat getting surgery. In another instance, I wanted to be a teacher and would carry around my folders with papers that needed to be “pretend” graded.

Have you ever been asked that infamous question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I bet you have. What was YOUR answer? Are you doing that now? Maybe yes or maybe you discovered like I did that what you once thought was the right answer turned out to be the wrong occupation for you. That’s completely fine. We all have a tendency to go through a few iterations of career options before we settle on something that is a good fit for us.

What Is Your Dream?

Are you living your dream life right now? Have you ever asked someone how they are doing and they respond with sarcasm in their voice, “I am living the dream.” My hope for you today is that you take a different approach and start dreaming like you once did as a kid and put action behind those dreams to make them a reality. To help you get in the right frame of mind I have included this link to Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk about Start With Why.

It all starts with a dream but first you need to get motivated by discovering your reason for deciding to become an entrepreneur in the first place.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of December!

It is the final month of the year and I am excited about what’s in store. December is the culmination of all that has happened throughout the year. If it was a good year for you then you stand in gratitude. If it was a tough year then you are ready to start celebrating like it’s 1999 that you made it and the year has come to an end. No matter which side the pendulum falls for you this month of December will be filled with surprises and thoughtful reflection.

This month I will be taking a look at what we can do to get our businesses ready for success in the year ahead.

Keep IT Sunny~

Thanksgiving What Does It Mean To You?

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it involves my favorite thing which is eating good food. I like to gather with my family or sometimes fly solo and use it as a time to take in all my blessings and thank God for them. This holiday means many things to a variety of people but for me, it is a time to slow down, take stock and be in a state of gratitude. If you are struggling to find meaning in this holiday, consider using it as a time of personal reflection and refreshment to push you toward finishing strong this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Keep IT Sunny~

Systems & Workflows - The Roadmap To A Happy Business Ecosystem

There is so much chatter about systematizing your business. What exactly does that mean?

According to this article on PI world.com:

The systematization definition for small business is: to arrange into a system, plan, or method, how the business operates from start to finish. In other words, simply mapping or writing down, step-by-step, exactly how each process or function in a small business works.

These are known as SOPs or Standard Operating Procedures in the corporate world. 

I remember when I would work on contract projects how the departments that I worked in were in chaos due to someone leaving and taking the information to do their job right along with them. That is and was a recipe for disaster. Thank goodness there are tools to help with creating SOPs so that you don’t fall into this trap. 

Check out this article that has a list of SOP tools that are low-cost or free to use.  Additionally, this article has ideas and practical steps to help create your SOPs. 

I hope these tools help you get your ducks in a row to run your business more efficiently. Check out the blog I wrote last month on tech stacks. Once you have your SOPs ready to go the tech stack will help you to automate some of those processes. 

Keep IT Sunny!

Can I Get A Quote For That?

Photo by Karolina Grabowska: https://www.pexels.com/photo/smartphone-with-calculator-app-showing-total-amount-4386293/

How many times have you heard that question and panic starts to set in because you don’t have a system in place for a simple quote? 

Do you use the back-of-the-envelope system? This is where you frantically start jogging down some figures off the top of your head and use that to give your client or customer a quote. Let me share with you 3 tools that can help you to deliver a professional estimate to your clients or customers that will leave you feeling relaxed and won’t break the bank. 


If you are already using QuickBooks Online to manage your monthly bookkeeping then you can use the estimating tool embedded in the software. It is available on all subscription levels. Here is a link to a short video to show you how to do estimates in the software. 


This great tool allows you to create professional quotes and see when your client or customer has viewed them in real time. It can also be used with Quickbooks Online Advanced subscription level. Check out Quotient here to see what others think about it and all the features it offers. 


They are an easy-to-use quoting software that offers automation workflows according to their website. They also integrate with Quickbooks Online and offer other options within their software. Check them out here.

So the next time you are asked for a quote there will be no need to break out into a cold sweat. Check out the tools above to see which one will work best for you and provide your clients or customers with an outstanding quote experience. What system do you currently use for delivering quotes to clients or customers? Share in the comments below

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To The Month Of November!

Success is No Accident

Famous soccer athlete, Pele who appeared to be born with plenty of natural talent, continues this quote by adding “It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.” source: Forbes.com

I love this quote by soccer athlete Pele that says that success is no accident. It gives me pause and also an inspiration to move toward what I deem as success in my business and my life. 

This month we will look at how systems & workflows can help you succeed in your business. The funny thing is these tools and tips will most likely spill over into your personal life and that is a good thing. 

It’s your turn. What do you view as reaching a level of success in your business and your everyday life? Getting good sleep is a form of success in my life and the ability to work for myself to build the American dream is my business success goal. Share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny!

October Roundup!

It is almost time for Halloween and to say goodbye to October. I know I always say this but this month felt like it went fast. I hope you are having a ton of fun enjoying all this season has to offer. I have stuffed myself with plenty of cider and donuts to last me until next October.

October is also a signal that we are heading into the end of the year and getting ready for planning for our next year’s business goals. I wrote a few posts on getting tax ready and evaluating your tech stack. I hope you will check out those posts to help you get ready to end the year strong.

Keep IT Sunny!

Do You Have An Efficient Tech Stack For Your Business?

First Things First

What in the world is a tech stack you might be wondering. It is all the technology used to systemize your business so that things run smoothly. According to Podium.com, the use of tech stacks is changing:

“The term “tech stack” most commonly refers to the combination of programming languages, software products, web servers, operating systems, and other tools used by software-as-a-service (SaaS) and development teams. However, as more and more brands move their operations onto their computers and mobile devices, tech stacks are no longer exclusive to the app, web, or software development process.

It’s just a fact that more businesses are seeking ways to use technology to increase productivity, save them time and money, and improve their bottom line.

Now that we know what a tech stack is, let's look at different areas of your business to see examples of how a tech stack can impact your business.

Marketing & Selling - Apps like Hubspot can help with customer relationship management, Quotient can help with generating custom customer quotes and Panda Doc can help you create winning proposals.

Workflow & Accounting - Apps like Trello or Asana can help you with project management. Additionally, apps like QuickBooks Online or Xero can help you manage the accounting activities with the business. 

Meetings & Communication - Apps like Zoom, Google Meet, or Slack can help with efficiently running online meetings with useful screen-sharing tools.

Technology is here to stay and it is important to pick the right tools for your business. Additionally, it is so important that if you are integrating tools to work with each other, they play nicely together. For example, if you are using an app with Quickbooks Online it is best to get advice from an accounting or bookkeeping professional about which tools are proven to work best with the software so a nightmare can be adverted. Running a business can get pretty chaotic fast. I hope these tech stack tips help you run your business more efficiently.

Keep IT Sunny!

Quick Tips To Stay Ready For Tax Time!

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/tax-documents-on-the-table-6863244/

Taxes - This word will make grown adults fold into the fetal position. It is filled with dread and stress. It has been around since the biblical days and it isn’t going anywhere. If you work for yourself then taxes can really seem scary. When you worked for someone else it was there problem to take care of and now it is yours.

No Fear

I know all things taxes can really put a damper on your day but I wrote a previous blogpost to help all the stress melt away and prepare you for smooth sailing during tax time. Check it out here.

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To The Month of October!

Photo by Tim Mossholder: https://www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photography-of-piled-pumpkins-383605/

Hello Awesome Entrepreneurs!

It is October and we all know what that means…..the tax extension deadline is upon us. 

You were probably thinking more about Halloween or pumpkins and spice lattes BUT the reality of the season for any business owner who has not filed their taxes yet is that the Boogey tax man is behind the door and is ready to jump all into your finances if you are in this situation. 

How did you get here?

That is a great question. We all have a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to stuff we do not want to do. Think about things like taking out the garbage, cleaning the bathroom, washing dishes, and for some of us making dinner is a chore. The ability to procrastinate is a great talent that we all have mastered. 

No Shame Here

Hey, it happens. The most important thing is not to be an insane person and be in this situation again next year. This month I want to share some helpful tips to help you be ahead of the game for next year so you are not stressed out of your mind. We will discuss tips for staying on top of your finances, getting the most out of your business relationships with your CPA and your professional bookkeeper, and gadgets/apps to help keep everything running smoothly. 

The month of October is known for many things but we can all agree that dreading looming tax deadlines is something that we can live without. 

Keep IT Sunny!