June Roundup & Success Business Attribute #3

Photo by Ylanite Koppens: https://www.pexels.com/photo/summer-letter-cube-on-soil-1209611/

Summer snuck in and I seriously can’t believe that the month of June is pretty much over.

We are halfway through the year. Are you still on track with your goals for 2024? If not you still have plenty of time to refresh your thoughts around your goals and get back on track. 

This month was all about focusing on the attributes that make successful businesses thrive. The first attribute was putting your customers first. Your customers are the reason why you are in business. No customers = now you work for a company and boss life is out the door. 

I shudder to think 🙁

We have all been on the receiving end of poor customer service..think Spirit Airlines…oh you will need plenty of spirits to fly with them and patience. 🙂

Many times the first encounter you have with a company is with their front-line staff. In my post, I shared how Samantha Irwin from Kaizen Small Business Solutions shared her first hand poor customer service experience at a local store and how it resulted in her spending none of her money there. So let’s make sure that we give customers R.E.S.P.E.C.T. thanks Aretha. 

The second attribute was having a clear vision & mission statement. I am sure for many of us those two words have caused much confusion. I know at one point it did for me. In my post, I shared that a vision statement has a long-term focus and it describes what the company would like to look like in the future. Additionally, a vision statement has a detailed defined plan of action attached to it. In contrast, a mission statement explains the goals, values, and objectives of a company. It tells a story of what your company does and why you do it. 

Successful Business Attribute #3 is financial acumen. Successful business owners know what their numbers are and use that information to make informed decisions about their business. They take a proactive partnership approach toward their financial goals and as Warren Buffett once said,

“Accounting is the language of business.” Successful business owners understand that it takes a village to help them reach their goals. 

Starbucks, Nike, (insert your favorite local business name here:) All these companies did not reach the peak of success by wishing and hoping that they would be successful. They recognized, and understood the 3 attributes of successful businesses. They took action to execute activities that would help them crush their goals and in the process are making a massive impact on the lives of their customers, employees and the world around them. 

Now it is your turn!

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To The Month Of November!

Success is No Accident

Famous soccer athlete, Pele who appeared to be born with plenty of natural talent, continues this quote by adding “It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.” source: Forbes.com

I love this quote by soccer athlete Pele that says that success is no accident. It gives me pause and also an inspiration to move toward what I deem as success in my business and my life. 

This month we will look at how systems & workflows can help you succeed in your business. The funny thing is these tools and tips will most likely spill over into your personal life and that is a good thing. 

It’s your turn. What do you view as reaching a level of success in your business and your everyday life? Getting good sleep is a form of success in my life and the ability to work for myself to build the American dream is my business success goal. Share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny!

How To Set Yourself Up For Success First Thing In The Morning

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

As a business owner, you are pulled in a million different directions. What do you do first thing in the morning to set yourself up for success? Do you wake up and instantly turn on your phone and start scrolling through your email messages? Do you have a morning routine that involves anything but creating a state of peace and balance to start your day? I start each day with prayer then I turn on a positive sermon to listen to on YouTube and then I go about my day. The way you start your day is the way your day is going to flow. 

According to Nextivia.com, these are 8 things you should do in the morning to set yourself up for success:

  • Wake up early

  • Wake up to a soothing alarm

  • Exercise

  • Eat a healthy breakfast

  • Avoid checking your emails or social media

  • Write in a journal

  • Seize the day

  • Meditate

I would like to add one more tip to the list:

  • Be intentional

You can check out more on their blog post here.

I hope these tips help you to get re-energized and ready for your day!

Keep IT Sunny!


How do you define success?

That is my question for you today.

Is it based on comparing your activities to others accomplishments? Is it based on your own personal goals, beliefs, and desires?

If you haven't thought about it lately then take a moment today to pause.......and answer this question.

I am a very goal-oriented person and do my best to set the bar high and achieve my goals. When I fall short of reaching my goals I can get bummed out BUT I always take a moment to reflect and think about these questions:

Did I set my goal too high?

What could I have done better in a process or system?

Who can I help more and deliver more value to?

Did I help one client achieve their business goals this month?

When I answer these questions it gives me time to really give deep thought to how I define success. It's really important that we get intentional about defining what success means on a personal level. Your business is your personal expression of your gifts and talents. Your goals and how you define success should be personal to you as well.

Take some time this weekend to celebrate every win you had this month, regroup and refocus your efforts on areas that you want to improve upon.

Keep It Sunny!

A Motivational Story On How A Man Who Couldn't Move Found Success His Way

Everyone get's distracted and even discouraged at times when working towards making life work for them.

Every 3rd Thursday of the month I will be highlighting how different entrepreneurs found the strength to turn lemons into lemonade.

My goal is to share these stories in an effort to encourage all of us as we go about trying to live life on our own terms.

The first story I will share is of John Morrow.

John has built multiple multi-million dollar businesses.

He has discovered what hustle & grit can accomplish if you choose to put them to work for you.

John can't move from the neck down.

Listen to his story here as he tells it to John Lee dumas on the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast.



Take Action Today.

Keep It Sunny!