September Roundup!

September is winding down and the fall season is upon us. I hope you enjoyed your summer and made fun memories with your friends and family. There was a time when the fall season meant it’s time to start a new school year for me. Now it means it is time to reboot and recharge my business goals and get ready for the final push toward the end of the year.

I hope the posts that I wrote this month help you towards accomplishing your business goals. You can start by checking out the first one here.

What are your reboot goals for your business? Share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny~

Quick Tips To Help You Stay Organized in Your Business

The life of an entrepreneur and business owner can get crazy busy! You are managing your business operations, employees if you have them, your customers, and you. No wonder the burnout rate is high among entrepreneurs.

According to Forbes, 42% of small business owners said they have experienced burnout in the past month; 24% reported they are currently experiencing burnout.”

That is pretty high!

Don’t worry, be happy. I have a few quick tips below to help you stay organized and avoid burnout. 


Plan the next day before you shut down for the day. 


Automate repetitive activities in your business


Create processes and workflows in your business


Declutter your workspace


Get help with the tasks you don’t enjoy doing in your business. 

I hope these quick tips will help you to avoid burnout and stay organized. Do you have any tips & tricks that allow you to stay organized? Share in the comments below. 

Keep IT Sunny!

5 Goals Every Entrepreneur Should Make To Create Success In Your Business

Photo by Engin Akyurt:

2022 is almost over and 2023 is on the horizon. Now is an excellent time to start creating your business goals to hit the ground running in 2023. I know what you are thinking. You are busy running your business and don’t have time. But that is not true. We all can make time for the things that matter in life; this my friend is a thing that matters.

Yesterday I watched a Youtube video from Mark Wickersham the pricing guru about recession-proofing your business. I was busy multitasking but still tried to follow along. Mark said something that caught my attention. He said that business owners often don’t stop to take a strategic holistic look at their business to assess where they are and where they are trying to go. 

That stopped me in my busy tracks. 

He was right. 

My goal is to STOP and take a strategic holistic look at my business to take an assessment of where I am and more importantly where I am trying to go. These 5 goals will be on my list to help me to grow my business. I hope you will put them on your list too.

Increase and expand my marketing efforts

  1. WOW my customers

  2. Develop effective systems to help run my business better

  3. Increase my business and social networking activities to build referral relationships

  4. Set 3 to 5-year goals and create a plan to get there by working backward to get to the goal

The list could go on and on but it is important to remain focused on a few items so that overwhelm doesn’t start creeping in. 

What about you? What are the 5 goals that you want to set so that you can continue to grow your business? Share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny!

3 Tips To Actually Help Build Your Business At A Comfortable Pace

We have all heard the horror stories of businesses that were off to a great start and then ran into operational challenges and poof they were no more.

A company called Wise Acre Frozen Treats met such a fate.

According to an article in, the organic popsicle company started with humble beginnings by making their product inside a school kitchen. “After a year and a half, the owner hired a single employee, and six months after that hired 13 more employees and entered a 3,000-square-foot manufacturing facility. By the end of the year, the company had gone bankrupt.”


There is a danger in growing too fast.

Here are 3 tips to help you build your business at a comfortable pace so that you don’t run the risk of going out of business. 


Write a business plan

I was at a S.C.O.R.E. seminar recently with local bankers and the key takeaway from that meeting was that a business plan is not just for startups but is a working document to guide you through your business journey. Here is a great resource that will help you to create one.


Track Your Finances

I know this sounds like no fun at all but it is crucial to build your business at a comfortable pace. Almost every business that failed including the one above was due to poor financial management. There are many tools available to help you do this like Excel spreadsheets and accounting software such as Quickbooks Online.


Don’t Hire Too Fast

It can be exciting and a relief to bring on a few extra hands to help grow your business. The key thing to keep in mind is to make sure it makes both financial and operational sense to do so. Here are a few tips to help you make the decision.


Running a business can be much like riding a rollercoaster with plenty of dips and high points. A ton of amazing businesses grew too fast and are no more. That’s why it is so important to make sure you are building a great business at a comfortable pace. I hope the 3 tips shared help you along your business journey. 

Do you have any tips or pearls of wisdom you would like to share? I can’t wait to hear them!

Welcome To The Month Of September!

First Happy Early Labor Day Weekend!!!

I love this time of year. The leaves change colors and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air at Starbucks.


It is a great time to still accomplish your goals and end the year on a high note. This month we will take a look at what it takes to grow your business at a comfortable pace, and what type of strategic goals should be on your vision board if your business is in a growth stage. We will also take a look at a few tips to help all of us stay organized and move forward.

Keep IT Sunny

August RoundUp!

August is just about over!

Did you plant those proactive seeds yet? If not there is still a little bit of time to get going. This month we focused on learning how to get our finances in shape. It is so important to make sure all your ducks are in a row so that you can take advantage of business opportunities. We also looked at how networking and making connections can help us move forward in our business. The month is almost over but you still have time to dig in and plant those proactive seeds.

Keep IT Sunny!

Get Out There & Make Friends!

Photo by Helena Lopes:

Are you a hermit?

It is an easy thing to become if you work from home primarily. It can be difficult to get outside and meet new people but it is necessary to grow your business.

No fear!

If you are not quite ready to do face-to-face events I have other options for you. There are so many ways to meet new people and you can do it right from the comfort of your home. So take baby steps by trying out the options that I wrote about in this post.

Keep IT Sunny!

Are Your Finances In Shape?

We are almost halfway through the year. I am starting to see clients who are in need of cleanup bookkeeping help to be ready for the tax extended deadline in October. I am here and ready to help. 

It is always good to stay ahead of making sure that the books are in shape to take advantage of opportunities in addition to making sure you are ready for tax time. Last year, I wrote a blog post about this that has tips to help you navigate staying on track with your finances. 

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of August

August is here and for many people, it is back to school time and summer vacation is coming to an end. It feels like summer is getting shorter and shorter. For me, it is a time for regrouping and preparing for the last part of the year. My goal is to always stay “liquid.” I love the show S.W.A.T. with Shemar Moore and he always says to his team to “stay liquid” which means to stay ready. So my goal for this month is to encourage you to do just that. 

We will look at ways to stay prepared to take advantage of opportunities. The 3 areas we will focus on are:

  • Professional Development - Conferences, webinars, workshops, courses, and how to get the most out of them. 

  • Finances - Keep those books in shape to be prepared for new outside financing loan opportunities or grants. 

  • Expansion to take on partners or add team members

Taking the time to prepare now could be a game changer for your business. The seeds you plant now will help you to be in a calm proactive state for your business journey.

Keep IT Sunny!

The July Round Up!

Summer is going by fast!

July is just about over and I hope you are kicking butt on your business goals. I am sure you are busy and taking care of yourself can rank at the bottom of your to-do list. The fact remains that if you are NOT healthy then your business will suffer. This month I wrote about 3 ways to manage & minimize stress in your life: time management, financial management, and sleep management.

Additionally, I talked about 5 great ways to eat healthy that are pretty simple. I love to eat BUT cooking can sometimes become cumbersome. I hope the tips I share in the post help you along your journey to eating healthier.

July is almost behind us but it is not too late to start goals that will help you to optimize your health.

Keep IT Sunny!

5 Great Ways To Eat Healthy!

I love to eat. 

I don’t like to cook all the time but eating is my favorite pastime. My schedule is busy as I am sure yours is too. Eating healthy can present some challenges but I have picked up a few tips along the way to help me reach my healthy eating goals. 

  • Buy fresh produce and less pre-packaged food - This is a no-brainer in that it is much healthier to eat produce in its natural form than after someone has stuffed it into a bag or a can. 

  • Shop at pick your own produce farms - Las Vegas may be known for many things but picking fresh produce from a farm probably isn’t one of them. We have one of the best family-owned farms called Gilcrease Orchard which has a variety of things to pick depending on the time of the year. It is a great form of exercise and less expensive than buying produce from the grocery store. It also tastes better. 

  • Meal Prep - A really good friend of mine does this usually on Sunday. She cooks all her meals for the week including lunch and this helps to control portion sizes. It also saves a ton of time and ensures you are not grabbing fast food on the fly. 

  • Work with a dietitian - I shop at The Vitamin Shoppe for my supplements and noticed that they offered free dietitian & nutritionist services. I made a virtual appointment and was able to get a customized meal plan tailored to my specific needs and great suggestions on supplements to try. I highly encourage you to take advantage of this free consultation. Additionally, you might have the same thing available to you via your health insurance. 

  • Read labels - I know this sounds like common sense but sometimes we forget to do the obvious especially if we are shopping in a hurry. It pays to read what you are putting in your body to help prevent health issues in the future. You know what the famous quote says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

I hope you add these 5 tips to your healthy eating checklist. The life of an entrepreneur is busy and hectic but taking the time to implement these tips will be worth it.

Keep IT Sunny!

3 Ways To Manage & Minimize Stress


Looking at the word can make you feel stressed out. What is the definition of stress? According to, stress has many meanings: 

constraining force or influence: such as

a: a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against, or tends to compress or twist another body or body part

especially: the intensity of this mutual force commonly expressed in pounds per square inch

b: the deformation caused in a body by such a force

c: a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation

d: a state resulting from a stress especially: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existing equilibrium

Now that we know what it means let’s look at 3 ways to manage & minimize stress.

  • Sleep Management - In my post last week I learned that “35.2% get less than 7 hours of sleep per. Night.” according to the Center for Disease Control. Most people lack enough sleep to sustain long-term success in life. A sleep management plan is the best way to ensure you get enough sleep. This could involve having a designated time you go to bed every night. It could also include bedtime rituals like doing yoga, taking a warm bath, and meditation to prepare your body and mind for rest. 

  • Time Management -  In the book From 6 to 7 figures by Austin Netzley the founder of 2x he talks about how guarding your time is paramount. This is so true. As an entrepreneur we are very busy and as your business grows more of your time is required. The question to ask yourself when you are doing an activity is if it is necessary for you to do it or can it be delegated. This will help you to stay focused on the things that only require you and your zone of genius. 

  • Financial Management - Let’s be frank here. If your finances are out of whack in both areas of your life: business & personal then you are not a happy camper. What is the solution? The solution is to have a plan in place to track and manage both scenarios in your life. A good professional bookkeeper like myself can help you with that. 

Stress is a part of life. There is no way to be alive and not experience it. However, there are many easy and practical ways to manage it so that it doesn’t take a toll on your life. 

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of July!

Photo by Tairon Fernandez:

How are you feeling today? If you are like many entrepreneurs you are probably tired and not getting enough rest. According to Forbes and the Center For Disease Control,

“35.2% get less than 7 hours of sleep per. night.”

Many entrepreneurs see it as a badge of honor especially during the early years of their business journey. This lack of sleep culture does have its limits. Elon Musk and Ariana Huffington both suffered from health-related issues due to sleep deprivation. This month I will take a look at health & wellness in the areas of sleep, healthy eating and wellness/fitness. It is important that we take care of ourselves so we can contribute our best to our clients, colleagues and professional teams.

Keep IT Sunny

Happy 4th of July Early & June Roundup!

The month of June is over and the start of July is upon us. Before we usher in July let’s take a look back at the month of June to see if we are closer to reaching our goals. This month I wrote about how to set goals that are achievable, working in a state of chaos, and 3 tech tools to help you stay organized. If you didn’t get a chance to read those posts please take a few moments over the next few days to get caught up.

The month of July starts the season of summer with cookouts and outdoor gatherings. It also has one of my favorite summer holidays: The 4th of July which is one of my favorite summer holidays filled with tasty food and festive activities. It is a time to gather with friends and family to have fun! But let’s not forget the true reason why we celebrate the 4th of July:

Freedom & Liberty

There is much that can be said of those two words and I will leave that to you to ponder. The 4th of July for me is a time to celebrate being an American and feeling thankful for the soldiers on the ground and in other places that help this country to remain resilient and a beacon of hope for so many. I don’t take for granted that I was born here and for those who fought great battles to allow me to have the freedom that I enjoy today. As I eat all the summer treats and enjoy the fun of the day these sentiments will be close to my heart. If you want to learn more about the history of the 4th of July check it out here and enjoy your day my fellow Americans.

Keep IT Sunny!

3 Tech Tips To Help You Stay Organized

We all love technology right? That is for the most part until it stops working on us. Today we are going to look at how technology can help us to stay organized and get more done. 

Tip One

Use the text feature on your phone to schedule text messages to yourself so you don’t forget an important meeting or birthdate. 

Tip Two

Use an online calendar system & link it to your phone to stay on top of meetings and household appointments. I like using Google Calendar for this

Tip 3

Use apps to help you with almost everything. Do you want to stay connected to that business contact you made at a conference? Well there is an app for that called Cloze. This app is a relationship management tool that will keep you connected to your contacts across all social platforms along with having their contact information handy. 

Technology is great! It makes our lives easier and fun. Check out the tips above to help you to stay organized. 

Keep IT Sunny!

How To Set Goals That Are Achievable

Goal setting is easy. It begins with an idea or thought and moves to taking action. The hard part is the taking action part. How can you set a goal that is achievable? I wrote about this in a previous post but essentially here are the steps:)

Step One

Start where you are by taking stock of what you have achieved so far in your business.

Step Two

Make sure your goal is something you are really excited about achieving.

Step Three

Break your goal down into tiny bits that can be measured in a S.M.A.R.T way.

Step Four

Celebrate your wins

I hope these tips help you to get FIRED UP about crushing your goals and reaching success in your business!

Keep IT Sunny~


I hope that you were able to get many things on your to-do list done in May. June is finally here and the summer season is in full swing here in Las Vegas. There are so many fun events happening everywhere in town and I can’t wait to check them out. Another thing that excites me is to take a peek at my quarterly goals to see if I have successfully executed them. 

I hope you are doing the same but if you are stuck on goal setting and goal execution then do not fret. This month I will focus on how to set goals that are achievable and and a few tech resources to help you to stay organized. 

Keep IT Sunny

NO Sales = NO Business!

Sales. That one word has so much power. It is the reason why we are all in business. If you are not interested in getting sales then you are a non-profit. There are so many tools available to help you to get more sales and thought leaders. The question remains: What exactly is a sale?

It seems simple but the definition according to Investopedia is, “A transaction between two or more parties in which the buyer receives tangible or intangible goods, services, or assets in exchange for money or other assets.”

Sounds simple enough but why does it seem more complicated than that in real life? My own definition of sales is sharing knowledge and resources that can improve clients’ lives in exchange for money.

Here are some resources to help you get started on the path to obtaining that elusive sale:

Tips On How To Increase Sales In Your Business

Content Marketing Tips & Tricks

Tools To Help You Stay Organized In Your Sales Workflow

I hope these resources help you increase the sales in your business and create more peace in your life.

Keep IT Sunny!

Are You Managing Finances Successfully In Your Small Business?

The life of a business owner is so hectic. If you are working solo or with a small team, it can become completely overwhelming to stop and take stock of the health of the business finances. Many owners feel comfortable with managing their business finances with a quick glance at their business checking account and maybe a brief glance at the P&L. But that is not enough. It is important that owners go further to make sure that their business is going in the right direction financially before it is too late. The two areas below will help you to get on the right foot.

Hire a bookkeeping/accounting professional - This is the first step in the right direction. I have seen numerous clean-up projects from clients that decided to D.I.Y. their bookkeeping at some point in their business journey and it didn’t end well.

Use professional accounting software - This is important to put into place so that you are ready to file taxes in an organized manner. Additionally, software like QuickBooks Online will enable you to run management reports that help you to run your business better.

Read your financial reports - This is crucial. There is no point in doing monthly bookkeeping for your business and making the monetary investment if you don’t read your reports. A strategic partner like a bookkeeping/accounting professional can help you to make sense of your reports. To get a jump start check out this post I wrote about the Statement of Cash Flows report.

The life of a small business owner is not boring. It is filled with constant activity but if you are not on top of your business finances then all the sales in the world will not stop your business from ceasing to exist.

Keep IT Sunny!