How To Find A Good Business Coach

The year is winding down and as we start to look forward to 2023 now is a good time to take a look at your business goals. Create a spreadsheet and start brainstorming the following:

  • What is working right now in your business? 

  • Write down all your successes. 

  • Jot down what isn’t working.

  • Write out what your goals are for 2023.

Next, find a coach to help you reach your goals. As business owners, we think we can do it all by ourselves. In the beginning, we are tasked with doing everything inside our business from reception, customer service, bookkeeping, and marketing to delivering the actual service we offer. In short, we wear all these hats out of necessity but the path forward toward growing our business is where we will need some help. This is where a good business coach can make all the difference. 

What Is A Business Coach?

According to, “Business Coaches are seasoned professionals who enable startups, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders with advice and feedback based on their real business needs. The best business coaches combine real-world business experience with coaching skills like active listening and the ability to ask powerful questions.”

So now that you know what a business coach is, the next question you probably want to know is how can you find one. There are a variety of ways to find a business coach and you can always start with our favorite tool Google. Additionally, there is another resource that you can try called according to their website is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.”

They offer a variety of resources including business coaching via their client mentoring program; the best part is it is all FREE. Let me say that last word again FREE. It is a win/win for you. I have attended numerous in-person events this year co-sponsored by SCORE and have made great business referrals as well as learned a lot. 

So as we look forward to 2023 my challenge to you is to create your spreadsheet of wins, loses, or draws so that you can have a full picture of how successful 2022 was for you. Finally, use some of the resources above to go find a business coach that is a good fit for you that will help you reach your business goals. 

Keep IT Sunny!

The Month of September Roundup!

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The month of September is officially in the record books!

I hope it was a productive month for you. As we wind down the year and head into the final quarter I took last month to dig into a few things to help you to achieve your business goals. Last month I wrote about how to find the right business coach. This is so important. I personally went through the painstaking process of looking for a coach only to figure out that the person was not a good fit for me personally. I hope you will take a look at this post and that it will save you time in your search. I finally found a coach that fits perfectly with the goals that I want to achieve for my business. Next, I took a look at how to use a mastermind group to move your business forward. We all know there is so much noise out there in the business world. It is refreshing to be able to have a designated time to regroup with like-minded professionals who are invested in helping you to reach your goals & you are just as eager to help them to do the same.

I hope you had a chance last month to read over the posts and start to carve out your success plan to move your business forward.

Keep IT Sunny!

How To Find The Right Business Coach For You!


Are you in a business rut? Working with a business coach could be just the kick in the pants you need to get re-energized about your business. The next question is how do you find one that is a good fit for you. Here are 5 tips to help you find a business coach that is a good fit for you.

  1. Determine what goals you would like to achieve. Are you looking for a one-time meeting or ongoing coaching? Do you want to focus on expanding your current business services?

  2. Create a budget to allocate towards coaching services.

  3. Ask for referrals from other entrepreneurs who have had success.

  4. Get background information about a coach like credentials, education, and past experiences that make them qualified to help you.

  5. Make sure their personality and coaching style are a good fit for you. Are they friendly and offer a structured program or are they more reserved and have an informal program? There is no right or wrong answer to this. The only thing that matters is what works for you.

We can all fall into a business rut from time to time. Working with the right business coach can help you increase your confidence and your profits. Check out Dan Millers’ coaching directory to get started. Looking for more tips? Check out this article on to help with your search.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of September!


Summer will officially be over in about two weeks.

I feel like the only way I know what month or season we are heading to is to rely heavily on my trusty paper and electronic calendar.

As we head into the fall season and the remaining part of the year it is a good time to access goals. Did you do any goal setting last month and have you achieve those goals? According to the Peak Performance Center, “Goal setting is a powerful technique that provides a direction for your efforts, focuses your attention, promotes persistence, and increases your confidence.”

If you are having trouble reaching your goals then it might be time to get some help. This month I want to take a look at how to find a business coach that is a good fit for your personality and business goals, the pros & cons of joining a mastermind group, and using social media to find accountability partners for your business goals.

You don’t have to do everything alone. Taking the step to access where you stand right now in your business and making a concrete plan to get to your desired goal is the first step for business success.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of August!

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The summer is rolling along and kids are winding up their summer fun before they head back to school. I am sure that parents are either beaming with joy or waiting for the calm before the storm as soccer practice and other sports activities leave them feeling like an Uber driver. :)

August is a great time to start fresh and get ready for the second half of the year. It is also a great time to reevaluate your business goals to see if you are on track to reach them.

Are you on track?

Do you need help getting there?

Take a look at how a coach can help you reach those goals so that you can finish 2019 strong.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month of June!


Summer is in the air!

I love June and all the fun times that I know will be had with friends and family. It’s hard to believe that we are six months into 2019.

Are you on target to reach your business goals?

If not do not fret. This month I will take a deep dive into some resources that can help you achieve your goals like accountability groups such as masterminds and group coaching. I will also take a look at how using a business coach can help you propel your business to new heights.

Welcome to the month of June and I hope you take time to smell the roses and have lots of laughs.

Keep IT Sunny!

How to Grow Your Practice Using A Business Coach


Are you stuck in your business? It's easy to get in a rut. You have all these ideas but start to feel the sense of overwhelm taking over and you become paralyzed. Well, maybe it's time to start using a business coach to help you get unstuck.

According to an article on, "As a business owner, you can get in your own way a lot, and spend a lot of time in your head. So you need someone to pull you out of the funk". Check out 10 ways that using a coach can relieve you of getting stuck in your business and move you toward success.

What are some current issues you're facing right now that a coach can help you with? Share in the comments below.


Keep It Sunny!

3 Tips For Starting an Online Business in Health and Wellness

Image courtesy of blackzheep at 

Image courtesy of blackzheep at

You love all things health: nutrition, coaching people, holistic living. So you decided that you are finally going to follow your bliss and start your online business focusing on health and wellness. Or you may already be in business.  In any case it never hurts to do a business checkup periodically to make sure everything is running smoothly.  If you have jumped into the health and wellness space to help people in person or online via coaching or both, having the right business basics in place will help you to serve your clients well.


I think this is the best place to start when you are ready to move from being an employee to an owner. It's also great if you're an owner right now and your business is not growing. According to, "A business coach is somebody who helps you move from where you are to where you want to be, and does so by solely focusing on your goals". Here is a great article on 10 ways hiring a coach will help you reach success. 


    There is a myriad of ways to gain knowledge for your health and wellness business:

    Podcasts: The Wellpreneur by Amanda Cook is a great audio resource for health and wellness professionals filled with great tips on how to make your business a success. The podcast Entrepreneur On Fire by John Lee Dumas will keep you inspired about your entrepreneurial journey.

    Networking: If you are looking for a great place to learn about how coaching fits into your business and network with like minds then check out Dan Miller's site It is a hub for entrepreneurs in general but more specifically coaching entrepreneurs.

    Certification: A great way to continue to stay abreast of the latest trends in the industry and display credibility to your clients is to have a certification in your field of focus. The Integrative Nutrition site is a great place to start the research process. This list on the Exercise Science Guide site is another great place to check out.


    Do you have a robust internet connection? Have you maintained your business license or researched your business name? On the site Long Live The internet, they suggest that "One of the most important steps to starting an eCommerce business is getting organizing with a To-Do list". Here are a few things they suggest you have on your list:

    • Define your startup capital $$
    • Decide on a name
    • Register your domain name
    • Setup your email
    • File your corporate paperwork
    • Get a federal Tax id EIN
    • Register with the State for Sales Tax
    • Setup your bank account
    • Fund your account
    • Get checks and debit/credit card
    • Get a phone number
    • Decide on an accounting strategy
    • Design your logo

    The journey to being a successful health and wellness entrepreneur can be exciting. It will run more smoothly if you have a good plan in place. These 3 tips are a great place to start to help you along the way. 

    Do you have some other tips for getting started or restarted as a health and wellness entrepreneur? Share with me in the comments below.

    Keep It Sunny!