Making The Pieces Fit - The Anatomy Of A Successful Business

How many people like to do crossword puzzles or regular board puzzles?

I sure do.

During the pandemic, I went puzzle crazy and bought a few to put together. Some of them I am still working on.. haa but that’s okay. I would look at the picture on the box and do my best to make the pieces fit. I would study the shapes and how they are connected to other shapes to make the picture come into view.

In the same way, we can do this in our business as small business entrepreneurs. There is a blueprint for how a successful business comes together and all we have to do is follow it. 

Success Habits + Application Equals Success!

June is here and I want to take a look at three key attributes of a successful business. I hope you will see how these key elements can help you to raise the bar in your business.

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To May!

We are full swing into the 2nd quarter and this can be a pivotal time that you can shift the trajectory of your business.

What Do I Mean?

Let’s say you started off in January with fuel in your tank to make some things happen in your business like increasing your customer base, creating a new service and improving your bottom-line. And let’s say that somewhere at the end of 1st quarter you were starting to see that your fuel in the tank was getting empty at the same time the goals you hoped to achieve were not moving in the right direction. If this sounds like you then now is a good time to:




Don’t keep chugging along and get to the end of the year without achieving your goals. This month I want to focus on mindset and how it can impact the financial viability of our businesses. I will share a few tips to help move past stumbling blocks and towards goal success.

Keep IT Sunny

Welcome To February!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

February is here and it will be filled with all things love. 

The month of love.

I like to think of it as the month for self-care for myself & my business. This month we will take a look at ways that you can measure how well your business is doing through financial reports and goal setting. So get ready to take the temperature of your business and don’t forget to eat an extra piece of chocolate for me. 

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To November!

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok:

Have you ever signed up for a course or training and never finished it?

Have you ever thought why am I in business this is so hard and felt like giving up?

We have all been there, but the thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from those who are not is execution. This month I want to look deeper into what is needed to help us execute our goals better to achieve success.

Join me on this journey.

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To October!

Photo by 대정 김:

Fall is officially here and all things pumpkin and spice scents seem to be in the air. I love the fall season here in Vegas because it is a signal that cooler weather is upon us and we can all go outside to play without sweating to death. 


The fall season is also a great time to start planning for next year in your business. This month we will look at two main areas that should be on your to-do fall financial planning list. The first item that should be on your list is a year-end financial review of your finances. The other area that should be on your list is budgeting and forecasting. I am excited to dive into these areas and provide insights that will help you fall into next year with a solid plan in place for your business finances.

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To The Month Of September

Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky:

Can you believe that we are pretty much done with summer?

I hope you had an amazing Labor Day weekend with your family & friends. I had the chance to rock out with my friend at the Metallica and Pantera concert in Phoenix over the weekend. It was so much fun to pump my fist in the air and yell to the top of my lungs all the song lyrics. 

Yes, now you know my secret - I am a rocker!!

One thing that I learned while watching the crowd go crazy as the bands played their sets is how well they engaged the audience. Both bands have been around for years and have played in a variety of venues but still manage to keep things fresh & engaging to the fans.

How do they do that?

I wish that I could ask them but I can’t. However, I can guess that these three things played a role and continue to play a role in their success:

  • Having measurable goals

  • Being able to continuously learn new things

  • Have sustainable growth

I know it doesn’t sound dazzling BUT I can almost guarantee that they used these attributes to achieve and maintain their success and we can apply the same concepts to our businesses.

This month I want to take a dive into these 3 areas and see specifically how we can use them to build the business of our dreams.

Keep On Rocking & Keep IT Sunny!!

Welcome To The Month Of August!

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs:

We are coming to the home stretch of summer but it’s not over yet. There is still plenty of time to get outside and play. It’s also a good time to take a look at what roadblocks may stand in the way as you try to grow your business. There can be a variety of challenges that might crop up as you try to grow your business but we will look specifically at:

  • Cash Flow Management

  • Debt Management

  • Working Capital Management

We will also look at smart solutions that you can put into practice to remove these roadblocks along your business journey.

Keep It Sunny!

Welcome to the month of July!

Photo by Travis Rupert:

I hope you had a great 4th of July holiday. We are officially in the summer season filled with backyard barbeques and fun times. Many times during the summer months we can forget about working on our business and put things on the back burner. I encourage you to do something different. 

This month I want us to dig into the core of what keeps revenue flowing through our collective doors: customers/clients. Specifically, I want to focus on how to deliver exceptional customer/client service experiences, tools to manage customer/client relationships, and tips to help us be the best in class as it relates to delighting our customers/clients. Let’s go on this journey together.

Keep IT Sunny~

The Month of May Review & Welcome To June

May is in the record books!

I hope you crushed your goals last month and are on track to make your quarterly goals. Memorial weekend in Las Vegas was bananas as usual but I had a great time with my family from out of town. Now it’s time to get back to work. If you have time to do some catch-up reading check out the blog posts from May below that I wrote just for you. 🙂

Welcome To The Month Of May

Why Do I Need A Bookkeeper?

4 Ways A Bookkeeper Can Help Your Business

The month of June is the official start of summer and I am ready to get some swim time in. I am also gearing up for the end of 2nd quarter with a few business goals that I am working on to help educate and empower fellow small business owners. This month I want to take a look at a few tips for cash flow management, an overview of what banks and lenders are looking for when deciding to give you a loan, and the anatomy of a workable budget. 

I hope you are ready to dig into these topics as we cruise into the summertime season.

Keep It Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of May!

This month is filled with 2 fun holidays for me:

Mother's Day & Memorial Day!

I am a furbaby mom and love to do my own traditions to celebrate that, but my favorite thing is to celebrate my own mom. I am fortunate that I have the best mom anyone could hope for. She is a true gem and we recently went to see the Jennifer Hudson show in LA and created some great memories.

We also had a chance to visit Santa Monica and give my mom her first glimpse of the pacific ocean while we had a nice oceanside lunch. Too much fun!

My other favorite holiday is Memorial Day. I just love what it stands for, which is to honor our soldiers who selflessly have served in our military and paid the ultimate price. We need to do this more and take better care of our veterans. As a daughter of a Marine and niece of other family members who have served in the military, it is truly a special day. It is also the kick-off to the summer BBQ season. 

As I reflect upon both of these holidays I will also be reflecting on how I can best educate and empower service-based business owners to grow their business by having reliable financial information. This month I will share How Can A Bookkeeper Help Your Business, What Services Can A Bookkeeper Provide & Why You Need A Bookkeeper. I hope you will find these posts informative and helpful.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of April!

Photo by Polina Kovaleva:

I absolutely love April. Spring is in bloom (in most places in the country:) The flowers are blooming and the sweet smell of summer is just around the corner.

My favorite thing is to get outside and explore which is a lot of fun here in the Vegas Valley. This month I want to explore the necessary tools to have in place to help your business grow. We will specifically look at some options for funding your business, hiring team members, and managing cash flow.

I hope you are ready to dive into this month and learn what it takes to move your business forward.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of March!

Photo by Bich Tran:

This month kicks off the beginning of spring which I am sure many of us are ready to experience. It has been unseasonably cold in the Las Vegas area and snowing in parts of California where historically it has not experienced large amounts of snow. This month is also a great time to do some spring cleaning in our business and find resources to help grow our businesses.

My focus this month is taking a look at amazing resources that are available right under our noses that are either free or very inexpensive. I am excited to share these tools with you and help you to go further in your business.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of December!

It is the final month of the year and I am excited about what’s in store. December is the culmination of all that has happened throughout the year. If it was a good year for you then you stand in gratitude. If it was a tough year then you are ready to start celebrating like it’s 1999 that you made it and the year has come to an end. No matter which side the pendulum falls for you this month of December will be filled with surprises and thoughtful reflection.

This month I will be taking a look at what we can do to get our businesses ready for success in the year ahead.

Keep IT Sunny~

Welcome To The Month Of September!

First Happy Early Labor Day Weekend!!!

I love this time of year. The leaves change colors and the smell of pumpkin spice is in the air at Starbucks.


It is a great time to still accomplish your goals and end the year on a high note. This month we will take a look at what it takes to grow your business at a comfortable pace, and what type of strategic goals should be on your vision board if your business is in a growth stage. We will also take a look at a few tips to help all of us stay organized and move forward.

Keep IT Sunny

Welcome To The Month Of August

August is here and for many people, it is back to school time and summer vacation is coming to an end. It feels like summer is getting shorter and shorter. For me, it is a time for regrouping and preparing for the last part of the year. My goal is to always stay “liquid.” I love the show S.W.A.T. with Shemar Moore and he always says to his team to “stay liquid” which means to stay ready. So my goal for this month is to encourage you to do just that. 

We will look at ways to stay prepared to take advantage of opportunities. The 3 areas we will focus on are:

  • Professional Development - Conferences, webinars, workshops, courses, and how to get the most out of them. 

  • Finances - Keep those books in shape to be prepared for new outside financing loan opportunities or grants. 

  • Expansion to take on partners or add team members

Taking the time to prepare now could be a game changer for your business. The seeds you plant now will help you to be in a calm proactive state for your business journey.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of July!

Photo by Tairon Fernandez:

How are you feeling today? If you are like many entrepreneurs you are probably tired and not getting enough rest. According to Forbes and the Center For Disease Control,

“35.2% get less than 7 hours of sleep per. night.”

Many entrepreneurs see it as a badge of honor especially during the early years of their business journey. This lack of sleep culture does have its limits. Elon Musk and Ariana Huffington both suffered from health-related issues due to sleep deprivation. This month I will take a look at health & wellness in the areas of sleep, healthy eating and wellness/fitness. It is important that we take care of ourselves so we can contribute our best to our clients, colleagues and professional teams.

Keep IT Sunny


I hope that you were able to get many things on your to-do list done in May. June is finally here and the summer season is in full swing here in Las Vegas. There are so many fun events happening everywhere in town and I can’t wait to check them out. Another thing that excites me is to take a peek at my quarterly goals to see if I have successfully executed them. 

I hope you are doing the same but if you are stuck on goal setting and goal execution then do not fret. This month I will focus on how to set goals that are achievable and and a few tech resources to help you to stay organized. 

Keep IT Sunny

Welcome To The Month Of September!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Welcome to the month of September. I can’t believe that summer will be winding down soon and fall is on the horizon. This month we will take a look at how we can get reenergized within our business and fall in love with it again. We will look at tips and tools to help us to stay focused and motivated. We will also look at one app that we can use to help us to stay organized and give us time back to focus on doing what we love.

Keep It Sunny!