It All Starts With A Dream

“The danger in dreaming too small is that you might achieve it.”

Mark Wickersham

It all starts with a dream. There was a time when I wanted to be everything in the world. I remember when I was little someone would ask me what do I want to be when I grow up? I would respond with 50 different occupations and believed that I could be all those things. There was a time I wanted to be a veterinarian until I worked at a vet hospital and became squeamish when I saw a cat getting surgery. In another instance, I wanted to be a teacher and would carry around my folders with papers that needed to be “pretend” graded.

Have you ever been asked that infamous question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

I bet you have. What was YOUR answer? Are you doing that now? Maybe yes or maybe you discovered like I did that what you once thought was the right answer turned out to be the wrong occupation for you. That’s completely fine. We all have a tendency to go through a few iterations of career options before we settle on something that is a good fit for us.

What Is Your Dream?

Are you living your dream life right now? Have you ever asked someone how they are doing and they respond with sarcasm in their voice, “I am living the dream.” My hope for you today is that you take a different approach and start dreaming like you once did as a kid and put action behind those dreams to make them a reality. To help you get in the right frame of mind I have included this link to Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk about Start With Why.

It all starts with a dream but first you need to get motivated by discovering your reason for deciding to become an entrepreneur in the first place.

Keep IT Sunny!

3 Tips To Help You Develop An Entrepreneurial Mindset!

Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? A slew of thoughts come to mind BUT the single most important attribute that you must have in my opinion is an entrepreneurial mindset. What does it mean to have this type of mindset?

According to, “It starts with becoming more mindful and connected with what you want and believe in. From here, your business will have a clear direction, you'll be able to sell from an authentic place, and you'll connect more easily to your clients, team, and community.

Building a mindset is the process of taking beliefs that don't serve you and replacing them with ones that do. 

Here are 3 tips to get you started in the right direction:

  1. Develop a Positive Attitude - Yes, I know this might sound like a no brainer BUT it is necessary. Things will get tough along your journey and sometimes the only person who is there to cheer you on is yourself. It is natural to get down from time to time and that is why developing a positive attitude will come in handy to help pull yourself out of the dumps and propel forward.

  2. Remember your “Why” - Put your vision statement in a place where you are able to review it often so you can remember why you are doing this entrepreneurial journey in the first place. If you need some help with figuring out your “Why” check out Simon Sinek’s TED Talk about this.

  3. Surround Yourself With Great Entrepreneurs - Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” So who is in your circle? If you have a bunch of negative nelly’s in your circle then you are shooting yourself in the foot and your friends who are not entrepreneurs are great to have but will not understand what you are facing on this treacherous entrepreneurial journey. So what can you do to fill in the gap? Join business groups online or in person and listen to entrepreneurship type podcasts. My favorite one to listen to on Stitcher is Entrepreneur On Fire by John Lee Dumas.

I hope these tips help you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that will bring business success!

Keep IT Sunny~

Are You In A Business Rut?

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Picture this: You are a new business owner. You are filled with excitement at the idea that you are going to be your own boss and call the shots. You have so many creative thoughts that you are ready to put into action. Your customers are great and they pay you well. You are making more money & experiencing more freedom.

Life is beautiful~

Well, that was your first few years in business and now it is year 4 or 5 or even more and you have hit the wall. The ideas are not there like they used to be and you are overwhelmed with all the work that you have to do to keep up with demand.

Life is not so great~

You are in a business rut my friend. That is the bad news. But the good news is that you can climb out of that hole and get back to living the good business owner life. Check out some tips below to see how:

Go back to the basics - Revisit “your why” which is the reason you began your business journey in the first place. If you are looking for more insight into “your why” check out this TED Talk here by Simon Sinek.

Maybe it is time to rebrand your business - If your brand is outdated or just needs a little bit of sprucing up then this could be just the thing to get you reinvigorated. Check out this article to learn how to do it.

Take a vacation - You might just need a break to collect your thoughts, rediscover yourself and chill out.

We all get into a funk from time to time and that’s OKAY. Just don’t live there for too long. Check out some of the tips above to get the pep back into your step.

Keep It Sunny~

It All Starts With Your "Why"

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I hope everyone had a great 4th of July holiday weekend. I had a great time celebrating it the Las Vegas Local style way which included a trip to the infamous Fremont street. What a wonderful display of Americana to view:)

And now as we get back in the saddle and begin moving and shaking within our business sometimes we can find ourselves in a rut. It can be difficult to remember why we are doing what we are doing. When I get in these tight places I like to refer to Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk on “Start With Why”.

Why is it that we are doing what we have chosen to do as a professional business owner?

If you are in need of a quick boost of energy in this area then I invite you to take a couple of minutes to take a listen and rediscover your WHY.

Keep IT Sunny!

Are You Burning The Candle At Both Ends?

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Now that tax time is over it is time to breathe in and out:)

It’s also time to take a pulse check to see if you are still on course for reaching your goals in your business?

If you need a little motivation check out a previous post I wrote about this very topic.

I also want to invite you to go have some fun. All work and no play well we all know how that story ends…lol

If you need a little motivation in this area check out what I wrote about this a few blog posts ago.

Keep It Sunny!

IT's Time To Fall In Love With Your Business Again!

If you are thick in the weeds of running the daily operations of your business then you might be out of gas.

It could be hard to remember why you even signed up for this madness in the first place right?

One of my favorite authors Simon Sinek has a very famous book that I am sure you have heard of called, "Start With Why".

Check out the video clip below and take a mental break today to rediscover your reason for being in business.


Keep It Sunny and You are Amazing!


How to Stay Motivated When Building Your Business

Do you sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel that never stops? Like you are working towards your goals for getting your business off the ground but your not getting anywhere? I can sure relate to both of these feelings. And when I feel like I am hitting a brick wall I go back to square one to regroup: My "Why".

Simon Sinek describes your why as, "The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do".

It sounds simple but in the rush of everyday life, this idea can get lost. I would encourage you to write down a one-sentence statement that describes why you are interested in being a health & wellness entrepreneur.

Make it bold and personal.

On the days when you feel like you are spinning your wheels take it out and meditate on it. Or put your statement on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror. The point is to stay motivated and energized toward making your business a success. Take a listen to the TED Talk Simon did describing this "why" idea in greater detail.

What is your "why"? Tell me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!