Quick Tips To Help You Stay Organized in Your Business

The life of an entrepreneur and business owner can get crazy busy! You are managing your business operations, employees if you have them, your customers, and you. No wonder the burnout rate is high among entrepreneurs.

According to Forbes, 42% of small business owners said they have experienced burnout in the past month; 24% reported they are currently experiencing burnout.”

That is pretty high!

Don’t worry, be happy. I have a few quick tips below to help you stay organized and avoid burnout. 


Plan the next day before you shut down for the day. 


Automate repetitive activities in your business


Create processes and workflows in your business


Declutter your workspace


Get help with the tasks you don’t enjoy doing in your business. 

I hope these quick tips will help you to avoid burnout and stay organized. Do you have any tips & tricks that allow you to stay organized? Share in the comments below. 

Keep IT Sunny!

Are You Burning Out From Building Your Business?

Image courtesy of marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

April is here and spring is underway.

How is your business doing?

How are you doing?

Are you stressed out trying to run your business and your life?

I know first hand how you can become burnt-out when you're trying to maintain the upward trajectory of your business. You want to succeed and not give the naysayers anything to talk about. If you are looking for tips on how to avoid burn-out check out this post I wrote back in November.

As we move ahead this month I will be sharing different ideas on how to market yourself so that you can build your client list. Like the Burger King slogan, you can "have it your way" BUT you must have a plan and take action.

This journey we are all on is worth it. As Wayne Dyer famously stated, "Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life".

So relax. Take a deep breath and let’s get ready to build connections and relationships so that we can help our clients be their best.

Start by reading my post on how to avoid burn-out and share some of your own ninja tricks below that keep you from burning the candle at both ends.

Keep It Sunny!

5 unorthodox ways to avoid burnout syndrome in your business and number 3 was my favorite

As an online business owner solopreneur, I can relate to information overload and being mentally fatigued. I don’t have a lot of time to get things done so my time is very important.

Plainly put: Getting stuck in the details of doing a project is like hearing nails scratched across the chalkboard. It can overwhelmingly lead to burnout.

In one of Pat Flynn’s podcast, he talks about how we should stop being super-heroes because it is killing our business. You can check that out here. Don’t let this happen to you. Try my 5 unorthodox ways to avoid burnout syndrome in your business. Don’t fizzle out,


  1. Get an accountability partner or join a mastermind group

  2. Go Have Fun: You know sometimes I can take being in business so seriously and forget to look at it from a childlike wonder perspective. When I was a kid I loved to play monopoly or “business lady” and pretend to be a singer and a teacher the list goes on. The point is I had a lot of fun playing out different roles and being creative. Do whatever is fun for you. A hint- it should make you laugh and give you a relaxed mindset.

3. Go help someone else: I recently took the time to go help a family build their dream home via Habitat for humanity. Volunteering and giving back to me is the best feeling in the world. You get to be a positive part of people’s journey, be productive  and take a step away & your mind off your own stuff. This not only helps to fuel the creative spirit in your business but it helps to give you a sense of connection and purpose to God and your community. I Love it!

4. Take a nap or a walk or go sleep walking:) Look the bottom line to this tip is that if you're an entrepreneur you are probably a type A person. That is great but not so great when you start to feel stressed and frazzled so go be a kid again and just take a nap. I promise you things will be much clearer when you return to your workspace

5. Go hit something: Ha! Now this does not mean to hit another person but instead go to the gym and hit a punching bag or the air. I love doing Zumba and working up a nice calorie burn while I run around and pretend I know how to do the meringue.

There you go. 5 ways you can avoid burn out and fall back in love with your business.

Keep It Sunny!