August RoundUp!

August is just about over!

Did you plant those proactive seeds yet? If not there is still a little bit of time to get going. This month we focused on learning how to get our finances in shape. It is so important to make sure all your ducks are in a row so that you can take advantage of business opportunities. We also looked at how networking and making connections can help us move forward in our business. The month is almost over but you still have time to dig in and plant those proactive seeds.

Keep IT Sunny!

Are You Still Out of GAS?

Recently, I joined about 1,000 women as a participant in the Mudgirl Run here in Las Vegas.


I started off great with a ton of energy as I ran with the group toward our first obstacle course. As we progressed through the 3K course I noticed that after each activity my energy started to wane a bit. When I hit the final obstacle course I started climbing through the roped holes and realized that I was just out of gas and had to come back down. That is how we are sometimes as we navigate through our entrepreneurial journey. We start off excited and full of enthusiasm and then as we face challenges in our business and we start to lose energy.

This is something that every business owner goes through and most often it serves as a pinnacle turning point in their business journey.

It is at this crossroad that they decide if they will choose to move forward despite the challenges they are facing and run across the finish line or if they will end their entrepreneurial journey.

No one becomes a success in a silo. It takes a team to help you win.

In the business world, this could take on the form of a business coach, mastermind group or a networking group. We all need someone to stretch out their hand to us and give us a tug to make it through the inevitable challenges that arise as a business owner. As I climbed down the ropes on the last obstacle course and instead walked around to the other side, my friend was there waiting for me with a smile and a pat on the back. She grabbed my hand and we hoisted our arms in the air and ran across the finish line with pride.

I finished the race and you can too.


Keep It Sunny!

Are You Stuck In A Business Rut?

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I hope you enjoyed the 4th of July holiday with your friends and family. I think it is a good time to sit back and reflect on those who fought to make sure we have the freedoms we enjoy today including the freedom to work for ourselves.

But what if you are just burnt out?

What do you do then?

Take some time to remember why you started on your journey and just give yourself permission to re-direct your course. 

This is your business and you can color outside of the lines with a joyous smile on your face.

 Sit back and just take time to smell the roses and celebrate your wins.


Keep It Sunny!

IT's Time To Fall In Love With Your Business Again!

If you are thick in the weeds of running the daily operations of your business then you might be out of gas.

It could be hard to remember why you even signed up for this madness in the first place right?

One of my favorite authors Simon Sinek has a very famous book that I am sure you have heard of called, "Start With Why".

Check out the video clip below and take a mental break today to rediscover your reason for being in business.


Keep It Sunny and You are Amazing!


Are You Running Out of Gas?


We have all been there. You wish it was Friday but it's only Monday!


As much as we love our business and serving our clients....well....we are human and as a result, we can burn the candle at both ends.

Sometimes you just need a little jolt to get you going again.

Check out the video below from one of my new favorite motivational speakers Eric Thomas.

I know you are burnt out BUT guess what?

It is GO TIME!

In the famous words of Chip & Joanna Gaines...Let's Get After it!

How to Stay Motivated When Building Your Business

Do you sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel that never stops? Like you are working towards your goals for getting your business off the ground but your not getting anywhere? I can sure relate to both of these feelings. And when I feel like I am hitting a brick wall I go back to square one to regroup: My "Why".

Simon Sinek describes your why as, "The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do".

It sounds simple but in the rush of everyday life, this idea can get lost. I would encourage you to write down a one-sentence statement that describes why you are interested in being a health & wellness entrepreneur.

Make it bold and personal.

On the days when you feel like you are spinning your wheels take it out and meditate on it. Or put your statement on a piece of paper and tape it to your bathroom mirror. The point is to stay motivated and energized toward making your business a success. Take a listen to the TED Talk Simon did describing this "why" idea in greater detail.

What is your "why"? Tell me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

Social Proof

image courtesy of Stuart Miles

What do people say when you tell them you want to be a health & wellness coach?

Are they confused? Do they discourage you from doing something that seems so left field? Do you secretly have doubts that what you want to do is even a real profession?

Well here is some social proof to give you encouragement. According to an article published in The Hill, "Health coaches are the future of preventive health care". And the U.S. government agrees, by passing the recent Health and Wellness Coach resolution. "Both parties clearly understand and agree with the new research and a growing movement embracing a holistic approach to wellness with food and lifestyle as the new prescription of choice and health coaches as the guides".

Be encouraged and motivated to continue toward your dreams of changing lives by being a health & wellness coach! 

Have you been met with opposition toward your goals? How did you move past them? I hope this little snapshot of social proof helps you to side-step the naysayers.

Keep It Sunny!