Get Out There & Make Friends!

Photo by Helena Lopes:

Are you a hermit?

It is an easy thing to become if you work from home primarily. It can be difficult to get outside and meet new people but it is necessary to grow your business.

No fear!

If you are not quite ready to do face-to-face events I have other options for you. There are so many ways to meet new people and you can do it right from the comfort of your home. So take baby steps by trying out the options that I wrote about in this post.

Keep IT Sunny!

Tis The Season Of Business Networking!

Surprised Santa.jpeg

Well it's that time again everyone. It is time to get out there and make new friends and share your business with others. In short it is the season of business networking. Does your face look like the surprised Santa above?

Is this how you feel when you walk into an event and attempt to start "networking"?

Well fear no more. Check out this post on how integrating these 7 tips to your networking efforts could help you to feel relaxed and excited to share your business. The bottom line in my opinion is to just be yourself and share what value you can bring to help someone. 

Keep It Sunny!