A Motivational Story On How A Man Who Couldn't Move Found Success His Way

Everyone get's distracted and even discouraged at times when working towards making life work for them.

Every 3rd Thursday of the month I will be highlighting how different entrepreneurs found the strength to turn lemons into lemonade.

My goal is to share these stories in an effort to encourage all of us as we go about trying to live life on our own terms.

The first story I will share is of John Morrow.

John has built multiple multi-million dollar businesses.

He has discovered what hustle & grit can accomplish if you choose to put them to work for you.

John can't move from the neck down.

Listen to his story here as he tells it to John Lee dumas on the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast.



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Why You Should Listen To Podcast For Professional Development

Everyone has a podcast. If you can think of a topic, then someone has probably created a podcast for it. Topics can range from comedy to self-help. All this is nice you may say, but why should I care? In my humble opinion, podcast are one of the number one ways for busy entrepreneurs to learn on the go and get real-time information that can be deployed immediately in their business. We are all busy and we all must stay on top of the latest trends in our industry to be successful. Listening to business focused podcast does the trick. Not sure where to begin? Check out a few of these podcasts to get your creative entrepreneurial juices flowing:

Entrepreneur On Fire 

Leaders In The Trenches

The Fizzle Show

Smart Passive Income w/Pat Flynn

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