How To Set Goals That Are Achievable In Life?
/Photo by Polina Zimmerman:
That word is so powerful. To some, it can lead to energetic excitement that inspires them toward success.
For others, it can lead to stress, confusion, and anxiety. My goal is to be in the first group and to take you with me. Let’s first start with a definition.
Merriam-Webster defines goals as, “The end toward which effort is directed.”
That sounds simple enough.
The first step is figuring out what you want your end to be and what kind of effort you are willing to put toward that end to obtain it.
Here are some steps to help you along the way.
Step One: Have fun and brainstorm what you are trying to accomplish.
Step Two: Take your brainstorming results and organize them into goal buckets; 5-year, 3-year, and 1-year buckets.
Step Three: Write down what you would need to accomplish within the next 12 months to help you toward your 3-year goal.
Step Four: Break down your goals into smaller chunks so that you can start to track and measure your progress.
Goals are the foundation of achieving success.
It is important to have fun and brainstorm some ideas, then get clarity around them, and create a roadmap plan that starts with your long-term, semi-long term and short-term goals. Finally, it is important to break everything down so that you don’t become overwhelmed and can track your progress.
Don’t forget to celebrate your wins.
Keep IT Sunny~