Are You A Goal-Getter?
/Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:
Are you a goal-getter?
According to, “A goal-getter is someone who continuously sets and consistently accomplishes their specific goals.”
Most of us start off strong at the beginning of the goal-setting process and then we kinda fall off.
We can be inspired and learn how two very famous people stayed on track toward their goals.
During my research, I learned that Beyonce stays motivated toward reaching her goal of receiving an Academy Award by keeping a photograph of one by her treadmill where she can see it every day.
Similarly, Michael Jordan stayed motivated toward his goal of becoming a professional basketball player by keeping the memory of the rejection he received from his high school basketball coach because he was too short. After being told he would never play at a professional level, he trained even harder and visualized his name in a professional locker room. As they say, the rest is history.
Today I want to spend some time looking at 4 simple steps that I call the Roadmap to Goal Success! Prepare, Plan, Execute Reflect
Step One: Prepare Your Mind for Success - You know the old saying, Garbage In, Garbage Out. You can’t put new positive information into a mind that is filled with negativity. The way I approach this is by reading the Bible and watching motivational speakers every morning that will inspire me to reach for my dreams. This ensures that I am ready for the next step.
Step Two: Make a Plan - Start to visualize and brainstorm what you want to accomplish. What does the end result look like for you? As an entrepreneur, my goal is to create services that add value and help other entrepreneurs make their businesses a success. What does your vision look like? Have fun with it.
Step 3: Execute - I think this is a step that many of us get stuck on. I know that I have. Sometimes I can get stuck in the “getting ready to get ready phase” and stall on carrying out the plan for my goals. A good way to get out of this cycle that I have found is to break up my plan into smaller manageable activities that I can easily accomplish. This helps to build momentum. And like Nike says Just Do It!
Step Four: Reflect - This is the key component to making sure you stay on the road to success. It’s like giving yourself a report card. In my entrepreneurial journey, this could look like taking feedback from my clients and applying it to improve my services. Also, I look at my “wins” and “learns” daily to see how well I am doing as a business owner as I work to pursue excellence.
In Summary, goal-setting and goal-getting are the key components to achieving success in your life. We can take inspiration from Beyonce and MJ that as talented as they are they still used tactics to keep them motivated toward their goals.
We all have set goals and gotten lost in the sauce as we work toward accomplishing them. I challenge you to start today on your journey to crushing your goals by following the 4 steps on the Roadmap to Success: Prepare, Plan, Execute Reflect
I will leave you with a quote by Dr. Eric Thomas, one of the top motivational speakers in the world who commands $100K to $200K per speaking engagement and started off homeless and eating out of trash cans as a teenager.
“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful”!
Keep It Sunny~