3 Tools You Can Use To Help You Crush Goals in 2023

This month I want to take a look at goals. We will dive into what it is, how to do it right, and what tools are available to help you to crush those goals in 2023. 

The month is over and the excitement of setting those new year's resolutions like getting more fit is starting to fade. Let’s face it setting goals and going after them can be super tricky UNLESS you put a plan in place to help you reach your goals. Here are 3 tools you can use to help you crush your goals in 2023.

Do it with a friend - There are many things you can do by yourself and reach success but goal setting and goal getting is not one of them. Speak to a friend and you can help each other reach your goals.

Make it matter - One of the most important things you can do to help reach your goals is to put it on your calendar and in your daily spaces like on a bathroom mirror or phone. I am very visual and must-see my goals or it doesn’t exist. The next thing I do is right down a goal date, notes for steps taken, and track my progress. I use a Google spreadsheet to do this that I see every day when I open my computer. 

Get a coach - Do you know there is a person known as a “Goals Coach” that will help you reach your goals for free? For FREE!!  US Bank offers this service for free and you do NOT have to be a member of the bank. In fact, they are not allowed to sell services to you. Now that is a good deal. Check them out here

This month has flown by and I shared the definition of a goal, how to set goals the right way and now 3 tools you can use to help you achieve goals. The ball is in your court. Are you going to be in the same place next year this time due to inaction or are you finally going to get out there and see how far you can really go in life? 

Keep IT Sunny~

Are You Setting Goals The Right Way?

Photo by Polina Zimmerman: https://www.pexels.com/photo/sticky-notes-on-board-3782235/

In January, people usually start off strong by setting new years resolution goals. The problem is that February shows up and the glitter of the new year resolution starts to fade and folks just throw in the towel. The issue could be that they are not setting goals the right way. If you find yourself in this dilemma then check out a post I wrote some time ago about how to set goals that are achievable. My hope is that this will lead you toward keeping and crushing your goals in 2023.

Keep IT Sunny~

What Is The Definition of A Goal?

The New Year is the gateway to a new beginning and a fresh start. Many people make promises to tackle a new idea or habit to improve their lives, known as new year's resolutions. Did you make any new year's resolutions? I asked a friend on new years eve if she was going to make any new year's resolutions and she replied no that is too much pressure to put on yourself.

That got me thinking about whether I make new year’s resolutions or just set goals. I determined that it was a mixture of both. My new year's resolutions are to set and accomplish the goals I make in each area of my life for the year. 

No pressure at all:)

Then that got me thinking about what exactly is the definition of a goal. According to Merriam-Webster, a goal is an end toward which effort is directed”. Dictionary.com describes a goal as “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed”.

This is food for thought. A goal is the prize for pushing your efforts toward a single point of focus. That is my definition. I also read an article that stated that focus is:






My encouragement for you today is to just sit in silence with a pen & paper. Think about where you want to be this time next year and start to jot down those ideas. Pick ONE goal and next week we will look at how to f.o.c.u.s on that one goal to reach success. 

Keep IT Sunny

How To Find A Good Business Coach

The year is winding down and as we start to look forward to 2023 now is a good time to take a look at your business goals. Create a spreadsheet and start brainstorming the following:

  • What is working right now in your business? 

  • Write down all your successes. 

  • Jot down what isn’t working.

  • Write out what your goals are for 2023.

Next, find a coach to help you reach your goals. As business owners, we think we can do it all by ourselves. In the beginning, we are tasked with doing everything inside our business from reception, customer service, bookkeeping, and marketing to delivering the actual service we offer. In short, we wear all these hats out of necessity but the path forward toward growing our business is where we will need some help. This is where a good business coach can make all the difference. 

What Is A Business Coach?

According to BetterUp.com, “Business Coaches are seasoned professionals who enable startups, entrepreneurs, and corporate leaders with advice and feedback based on their real business needs. The best business coaches combine real-world business experience with coaching skills like active listening and the ability to ask powerful questions.”

So now that you know what a business coach is, the next question you probably want to know is how can you find one. There are a variety of ways to find a business coach and you can always start with our favorite tool Google. Additionally, there is another resource that you can try called Score.org. Score.org according to their website is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground and achieve their goals through education and mentorship.”

They offer a variety of resources including business coaching via their client mentoring program; the best part is it is all FREE. Let me say that last word again FREE. It is a win/win for you. I have attended numerous in-person events this year co-sponsored by SCORE and have made great business referrals as well as learned a lot. 

So as we look forward to 2023 my challenge to you is to create your spreadsheet of wins, loses, or draws so that you can have a full picture of how successful 2022 was for you. Finally, use some of the resources above to go find a business coach that is a good fit for you that will help you reach your business goals. 

Keep IT Sunny!

September Roundup!

September is winding down and the fall season is upon us. I hope you enjoyed your summer and made fun memories with your friends and family. There was a time when the fall season meant it’s time to start a new school year for me. Now it means it is time to reboot and recharge my business goals and get ready for the final push toward the end of the year.

I hope the posts that I wrote this month help you towards accomplishing your business goals. You can start by checking out the first one here.

What are your reboot goals for your business? Share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny~

How To Set Goals That Are Achievable

Goal setting is easy. It begins with an idea or thought and moves to taking action. The hard part is the taking action part. How can you set a goal that is achievable? I wrote about this in a previous post but essentially here are the steps:)

Step One

Start where you are by taking stock of what you have achieved so far in your business.

Step Two

Make sure your goal is something you are really excited about achieving.

Step Three

Break your goal down into tiny bits that can be measured in a S.M.A.R.T way.

Step Four

Celebrate your wins

I hope these tips help you to get FIRED UP about crushing your goals and reaching success in your business!

Keep IT Sunny~

Is This The Right Time To Hire Team Members?

Photo by fauxels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-people-looking-on-laptop-3182812/

Is your business keeping busy beyond what you can manage alone? If so you might be wondering if now is a good time to start hiring team members. According to Neil Patel, online marketing wizard and successful entrepreneur, here are a few signs it is time to hire:

  • You lack time to take care of business operational essentials like marketing and finances

  • The quality and standard of your service are taking a nosedive

  • You have new ideas for other services you want to offer but you don’t have the time

  • You are saying no to new sales opportunities

If any of these signs sound familiar to you then it might be time to bring on a team member or two or more. The most important thing to do before you make that decision is to make sure you can afford to do it.

Keep IT Sunny!

Got Goals?

Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

Do you have goals for your business or are you just going through the emotions day to day? What is a goal? According to Merriam-Webster, a goal is “something that you are trying to do or achieve''. That’s it plain & simple.

So what are you trying to do or achieve for your business right now? If you are having trouble figuring it out in an organized way check out this article about how to plan your business goals so that they are achievable.

Do you have any goal setting tips & tricks that work well for you? Let’s learn together &  share in the comments below.

Keep IT Sunny!

Welcome To The Month Of November!

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

We are coming down to the last stretch of the year and I hope you are hitting your business goals. If not then don’t fret. This month I want to take a look at goal setting and apps that can help you to stay organized. This is the time of year when everyone can get lost in the holiday shuffle.

It is also a great time of the year to start goal planning for the next year & to take stock of all that you have accomplished so far.

Keep IT Sunny!

January Monthly Round Up

Photo courtesy of Photo by Jess Bailey Designs from Pexels

Photo courtesy of Photo by Jess Bailey Designs from Pexels

The first month of 2021 is almost in the record books and what a month it was. I hope you had a chance to refresh your spirit and establish some new goals for your business. This month we took a look at how we can accomplish goals for our business by taking it one day at a time. Next, we took a look at how to evaluate if participating in a business webinar right now makes sense for your current business journey. Finally, we took a deep dive into how to determine if you are using the right tools for your business.

January might be almost in the record books but the year is young. I am excited about all the new possibilities that are on the horizon for small business owners everywhere. I hope you are too!

Keep IT Sunny!

One Day At A Time

image courtesy of Sebastian Voortman/Pexels

image courtesy of Sebastian Voortman/Pexels

What could you accomplish in a year if you took the one day at a time approach? It’s an interesting thought. I recently heard an interview on S.O.S radio from a New York Times Best Seller author named Mark Batterson and he wrote a book called Win The Day, 7 Daily Habits to Help You Stress Less & Accomplish More. He talked about approaching life with a one day at a time attitude. He said yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery…lol

So why not focus on what you can get done today. This isn’t a novel idea but it is one worth bringing back to our memory again.






This will be my focus for future blog posts. How we can accomplish our business goals by taking it one day at a time. After all, that is all we truly have!

Welcome to 2021 & let the one day at a time journey begin.

Keep IT Sunny….one day at a time:)