Tis The Season To Crush Goals!
/Photo by Laura James: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-and-red-ceramic-mug-on-white-and-red-floral-textile-6101961/
Christmas is just around the corner and the atmosphere here in Las Vegas is filled with all things holiday season.
I am sure it is like that where you live too.
As I peruse online and listen to my favorite podcast on podcast addict the theme of goals is swirling around. It makes sense because the new year is right around the corner and those pesky resolutions are waiting to be made. I heard a concept today around crushing goals from one of the best motivational speakers out there, Dr. Eric Thomas a.k.a The Hip Hop Preacher who shared this method:
1 day, 7 days, 30 days & 90 days
The focus is on starting your goal on day one and then measuring it on day 7. Next, you would continue to measure your progress in 30 days, and in 90 days that would be your milestone period. It’s such a good idea. Many times we start with zeal and vigor towards achieving our goals and then we get sidetracked by life. The goal gets placed on a shelf to nowhere. I am going to give this method a try. I encourage you to do the same.
If you are looking for more tips & tools around goals check out the posts I wrote below about it.
How To Set Goals That Are Achievable In Life
Merry Christmas Early & As Always Keep IT Sunny~