Merry Xmas!


Tis the season to be jolly! I know there is a lot of doom & gloom going around out there BUT there are many things that we can choose to focus on that are positive.


I will keep this post short & sweet. If you are sheltering in place and using technology to connect with family this holiday season to watch movies together check out this article on Make Use Of that shares different ways you can do this.

Enjoy your Christmas!

Keep IT Sunny~

Merry Christmas To You!


The crown jewel of the holiday season is here!

I love the Christmas season and all the festive activities that it brings. As a person of faith, this season means more to me than gifts and hectic shopping at the mall. The reason for the season to me is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and all the other activities are the cherries on the top. No matter what your personal reason for the season is I hope you take time to enjoy it with family and friends. My wish for you is that you experience all the laughter, light & love your heart can handle!

Merry Christmas & Keep IT Sunny!

Business Planning Checklist For 2015

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles|

Merry Xmas Everyone! Santa has his list for getting the goodies for the kids, but do you have a business plan checklist for 2015? If not, here are 4 areas to take a look at to get you started:

  • Tax Planning: Now is a good time to meet with your CPA to chart out next year's financial goals & to ensure that you are not due for overpayment come tax time.

  • Expiring & Renewals of Subscriptions or Lease Agreements: Do you have a list of all the online tools, trade publications or rent lease agreements that you have? Now would be a good time to gather all those items and go through them with a fine tooth comb to make sure you still want them in place, dump them or renegotiate new terms.

  • Annual filings: Take time to peruse your state, local and federal requirements for your business. This will ensure that you are in complete compliance with all applicable laws.

  • Marketing Goals & Outcomes: If you are using social media, blog post, SEO or traditional marketing to reach your clients or customers, now is a good time to do a once over to make sure that you have the proper monthly goals in place that will drive traffic to your business so that you can make sales.

Taking an hour or two to brainstorm on these topics will go a long way to ensuring that you are on the right track for 2015. What are some of your business planning checklist ideas? Share them with me in the comments below!