Business Planning Checklist For 2015
/Photo Courtesy of Stuart Miles|
Merry Xmas Everyone! Santa has his list for getting the goodies for the kids, but do you have a business plan checklist for 2015? If not, here are 4 areas to take a look at to get you started:
Tax Planning: Now is a good time to meet with your CPA to chart out next year's financial goals & to ensure that you are not due for overpayment come tax time.
Expiring & Renewals of Subscriptions or Lease Agreements: Do you have a list of all the online tools, trade publications or rent lease agreements that you have? Now would be a good time to gather all those items and go through them with a fine tooth comb to make sure you still want them in place, dump them or renegotiate new terms.
Annual filings: Take time to peruse your state, local and federal requirements for your business. This will ensure that you are in complete compliance with all applicable laws.
Marketing Goals & Outcomes: If you are using social media, blog post, SEO or traditional marketing to reach your clients or customers, now is a good time to do a once over to make sure that you have the proper monthly goals in place that will drive traffic to your business so that you can make sales.