Be Quiet
/Photo by Samuel Theo Manat Silitonga from Pexels
Growing up we probably all were told by our parents to go to our room if we disobeyed them or to just be quiet if we were talking too much. The ultimate punishment was to have all your toys taken away for a period of time and to be grounded. What might seem like a form of punishment in those childhood years now appears to be just the thing we need to do as grown-ups and more so as entrepreneurs to get reenergized. Today I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Charles Stanley about how to be quiet and still. He made a lot of good points and observations that resonated with me. He described the different methods we use to try to get quiet which I think are very useful to implement as we seek to regain our energy and focus toward being successful entrepreneurs. Here are a few ideas:
Go for a walk
Go to the woods and be still
Go to the beach
These are not new ideas but gentle reminders that it is necessary to seek out quiet time daily to calm our minds down, slow our breathing, and to take capture any thoughts that are negative. When we do this a burst of renewed energy and enthusiasm for life will appear. This will filter down into our businesses and help us to get back to doing what we love with a new purpose.
Keep IT Sunny!