5 Quick Ideas To Attract Your Ideal Clients
/Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
We are in business to deliver a service or a product or both to our ideal clients. What exactly defines an "ideal client"?
According to the site Business News Daily, " Your ideal clients are the people who see the value in your efforts, seek out your services and are willing to invest in your services and pay you what you are worth".
But there seems to be a "mystery" about how to attract our ideal clients. Here are 5 quick ideas on how to do just that:
1. Create a blog that adds value to their lives
2. Create a virtual event that showcases what services/products you sell that will change their lives
3. Create a community that connects them to others who are on a similar journey
4. Create a case study to demonstrate social proof of your services/products
5. Use social media to build your brand & create raving fans
The #1 key to attracting your ideal client is simple: Create value for them. Demonstrate in tangible terms how you can make their lives better. If you answer the "What's In It For Me" question clearly, then you will have more customers than you know what to do with.
Your turn. What are some unique ways that you have seen others try to attract their ideal clients?
Share in the comments below.
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