How To Crush B.H.A.G 's in 2022
/Photo by Dimitry Zub from Pexels
In my search for a photo to depict the title of this post I found this funny looking guy and thought I would add him for humor's sake.
Today we are looking at B.H.A.G’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) and how we can crush them in 2022. Let’s start by defining what exactly are B.H.A.G’s.
According to, A big hairy audacious goal, or BHAG, is a clear and compelling target for an organization to strive for. The term was coined in the book “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies” by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras. A BHAG—pronounced “bee hag”—is a long-term goal that everyone in a company can understand and rally behind. BHAGs are meant to excite and energize people in a way that quarterly targets and lengthy missions statements often fail to.
So now that we know what it is the question is how do we crush it? Here are a few tips.
The best way to achieve a BHAG is to start where you are by taking stock of what you have achieved so far in your business.
Create your BHAG and make sure it is something you are really excited about achieving
Break your goal down into tiny bits that can be measured for success along your journey
Celebrate your wins so you can continue on the path towards BHAG success
Check out this article from and dive into the perspective of the man himself, Jim Collins.
Keep IT Sunny~