How To Hit The Ground Running In Your Business In 2015

Photo Credit: Ambro|

Photo Credit: Ambro|

Happy 2015 Everyone! 

It is a new year and time to get recharged to meet our business goals. There are many tools & tips that are available to help you reach the success levels you desire for your business. But let's face it. We are busy small business owners & entrepreneurs. So we need fast and convenient resources to help stay on track without taking our focus off course. Well throughout the year I will share practical tips that fit our busy lifestyle.

A Quick Tip

The first tool you can use to start your year off right is to select an audiobook to listen to that will help set the motivational tone for your year. I selected Act Like A Success-Think Like a Success by Steve Harvey. This book has supercharged my year already and it is only 8 days into the new year. What audiobook are you listening to that has you revved up for 2015? Share it with me in the comments below.

Keep It Sunny!

The Future Is Very Bright For Small Business In 2015

photo courtesy of iosphere|

I love the idea & reality of being a small business owner. There is no feeling better in the world than being able to take your idea or thoughts and put them into action. I am optimistic that the small business industry as a whole will continue to go on an upswing. I am not alone. According to an article on "Fifty-eight percent of small business owners expect growth in 2015". So are you doing all that you can to ride into the sunset with other small business owners? Here is a short checklist to ponder and put into action:

Have your team in place: Make sure you have your core partners in place such as a CPA, lawyer & business office operations manager.

Make sure your paperwork is up to date: This includes any applicable licenses, certifications or governmental regulatory paperwork that needs to be submitted on a regular basis.

Make sure your skills are up to date: You are only able to deliver world-class service to your clients if you are staying abreast of the latest trends & tools in your industry.

This is a very short list, but a great starting point to make sure your business is a success in 2015. In the meantime, here are some note taking software tools to keep your thoughts organized in one place.  Next post I will talk about what other items should be on your "to do" list before 2014 comes to a close.

Keep It Sunny!