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Systems & Workflows - The Roadmap To A Happy Business Ecosystem

There is so much chatter about systematizing your business. What exactly does that mean?

According to this article on PI

The systematization definition for small business is: to arrange into a system, plan, or method, how the business operates from start to finish. In other words, simply mapping or writing down, step-by-step, exactly how each process or function in a small business works.

These are known as SOPs or Standard Operating Procedures in the corporate world. 

I remember when I would work on contract projects how the departments that I worked in were in chaos due to someone leaving and taking the information to do their job right along with them. That is and was a recipe for disaster. Thank goodness there are tools to help with creating SOPs so that you don’t fall into this trap. 

Check out this article that has a list of SOP tools that are low-cost or free to use.  Additionally, this article has ideas and practical steps to help create your SOPs. 

I hope these tools help you get your ducks in a row to run your business more efficiently. Check out the blog I wrote last month on tech stacks. Once you have your SOPs ready to go the tech stack will help you to automate some of those processes. 

Keep IT Sunny!