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Are You A Lifestyle Entrepreneur?

We all have different reasons for starting our respective businesses. I started my business so that I could contribute the variety of skills, knowledge & passions that I have. I also wanted more control of my own time to be able to spend with my family, travel & volunteer. I love people, technology and have a knack for building relationships and getting things done efficiently.  So I combined all of these attributes together and formed my virtual assistant business.  

And Magic!

Is this the definition of a lifestyle entrepreneur?

According to Sean Kim at the Huffington Post "The term was coined by Lewis Howes, a former pro athlete, author turned lifestyle entrepreneur. He designed his business around his life, not the other way around using a laptop and an internet connection".

So there you have it. 

If this description sounds like your business journey then I say welcome to this amazing adventure. And if it doesn't I say what are you waiting for?

Let me know which side you are on.

Keep It Sunny!