3 Ways To Create Measurable Goals
Have you ever started driving towards a destination and gotten lost because you didn’t use your GPS? You were thinking that you could remember how to get there based on the last time you visited the destination.
You Were Wrong!
Many times we have the same scenario play out in our business journey. We start up our businesses sometimes out of necessity and start working without a plan or goals.
Today I want to share 3 easy ways to create measurable goals. When I see the word “easy” in my Google searches it warms my heart. I am sure the tips that I will share below will help you along your business journey.
Number One
Start with the end in mind - This tip can’t be ignored because you must know where you are trying to go so you can get there. I like Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk on “Start With Your Why.” This always helps me to get back to the reason I am in business which helps to spark what goals I have for my business.
Number Two
Write down SMART Goals - I am sure you have heard of this. In this method, the objective is to make your goals clear so that you can measure them better. According to Mindtools.com, SMART stands for; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
Number Three
Chunk it down - We have all heard the expression, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time and your goals should be broken down into tiny bite-size steps so that you can easily get them accomplished.
Don’t continue to move forward in your business journey by the seat of your pants but instead elevate your goal setting and apply the tips above. If you do I am sure you will be a success.
Keep It Sunny!