3 Tech Tools You Can Use To Communicate With Your Clients
Tracey Hamilton
The month of March went by way too fast!
We dedicated the whole month to taking a sharper look at how to give your health and wellness business a reboot, tips on how to make your online business more sound and ideas on how to attract your ideal client. As the month ends we will round it out by looking at 3 tools you can use to communicate with your clients. We all know it is hard to find good clients so ensuring they keep coming back is paramount to keeping your business healthy.
Communication is key.
Using email only to talk to clients can get cumbersome. Here are 3 tech tools you can use to stay connected with your clients.
1. Slack: This is a collaboration tool with many bells & whistles. If you have a project with a team and you need a way to keep your client in the loop then this tool may be just the one to use. Check out how it all works here.
2. Ryver: This is a competitor to Slack and has a lot of great features. The best part of using this tool is that it is free. You can check it out here.
3. Google Suite: Google is the best when it comes to having tools for text-based chats, file sharing, email and video chat. The cost for the basic plan is just $5.
There are all sorts of techie tools to use as a way of staying connected to clients. The most important thing to remember is to make sure your client knows how to use the tools so that you can make the most out of it. So what tools do you love using to stay connected to clients? Share in the comments below.